It'd Be Funny if It Wasn't Happening

June 7, 2002

Just saw this on Headline News: There are class-action suits filed against McDonald's, Pizza Hut, a snack maker and a Florida ice cream place. The allegation? That their foods make people fat.

Hm. I think I'll file that one under "no shit." I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't know that burgers, pizza, chips and ice cream are fattening. And we all voluntarily stuff these things into our gaping maws on a regular basis. So whose fault is it, really?

One of the lawyers who filed the suit said that this was just like the Big Tobacco lawsuit. It'll probably win a ton of popular support, but the tobacco lawsuits were stupid, too. (Aside: Anyone who started smoking after the warnings started showing up on the packs knew what they were getting into and shouldn't blame anybody but themselves for their lungs looking like charcoal briquettes.)

Let's see how many millions this one settles for. Maybe the settlement will be disbursed on a per-pound-overweight basis. I'll make off like a bandit...

June 6, 2002June 8, 2002