𝅘𝅥𝅮 Piece of Shit Car... 𝅘𝅥𝅮

October 2, 2002

Finally figured out what was wrong with my car today; it was the distributor and spark-plug wires. So now that that's fixed I should be able to start my car in inclement weather.

I'm not too ticked about replacing the starter, though. With the new one in place I was able to narrow down the problem situations. With the old starter it would just fail to start randomly. So it was at least part of the problem.

Of course, I'm still down $400 with all this mess. So I really need to get that new job.

Note: In case your computer's fonts don't suport the special characters in the title, they're supposed to be musical notes. I just didn't feel like typing "o/~" in there.

October 1, 2002October 3, 2002