Athsma: If You Can Spell It,You've Probably Got It

November 26, 2002

The last couple nights I've been visiting Rob and Allison down in Washington, PA. They've got cats. I'm allergic to cats. This wasn't a big deal before; After a few hours I'd get a mild case of the sniffles and that would be that.

But since I moved out of the place on Beechwood it's gotten worse. Friday night I was blowing my nose every couple minutes and had to take a Sudafed to get any sleep. Saturday night I bypassed the runny-nose bit, and experienced the wonderous feeling that is my bronchial tubes tightening up. For those of you whose systems work normally, I'll give a brief description: You know how your chest feels when you've been holding your breath a lot? It feels like that, even though you're breathing (mostly) normally. I had to force myself to exhale as much air as I could, so my diaphragm muscle could get a little bit of rest. Not fun.

Then of course there was the wheezing and "rattling" as I tried to get to sleep. Needless to say the 10 hour snooze I got wasn't quite restful. Things are back to normal today, at least. But I think next time I'll ask them to come up here.

November 22, 2002November 27, 2002