The Bitch Is My Back, Part II

January 12, 2006

I had my six-month re-x-ray on Saturday, and there's a lot of improvement in the spinal department. The curve in my lower back is down to 8° from the upper double digits, and the curve in my back is at least partway to being normal.

This means I can cut myself down to one visit per week for adjustments provided I remember to do the traction on my neck at home at least every other day. But I'm at least to the stage that I'm effectively doing maintenance now, so I might have some free time to speak of. Or at least I won't get so far behind at work now.

But now when the archaeologists dig me up 10,000 years from now they won't look at my skeleton and wonder what kind of zoo I was kept in.

January 9, 2006January 30, 2006