Jason's Cooking Tips

June 22, 2006

Let's say you're cooking up some Rice-o-Roni for dinner. As always you get the stuff up to a boil, then reduce the heat and cover it. Let's say then that you come back a few minutes later to stir your concoction and find that it looks somewhat pale and un-appetizing.

Don't worry, there's a simple solution. Step away from your simmering rice and return to your prep area. Now pick up the flavoring packet you forgot to add when you dumped the water in, and actually follow the instructions this time.

Yep, that's me. College educated. Senior software developer. Came within a couple minutes of irrevocably screwing up a fire-and-forget dinner. Maybe tomorrow I'll top myself by putting my shoes on the wrong feet or something.

June 20, 2006June 26, 2006