I Owe My Neighbors a Beer

July 18, 2008

It's damn handy to meet people who've been in the area for a while and know where all the cool stuff is.

One of the people at the dog park has lived around here... pretty much his whole life, I think, and has made two recommendations that make my stomach happy and my scale unhappy.

While the dogs run around and play, the humans tend to congregate and shoot the breeze. Once, while I was griping about the only breakfast around being at McDonald's or IHOP, he stepped in and pointed out the Yorkshire Restaurant. (No link, they have no web site.) Not the greatest food on earth, but it's country cooking with biscuits, country ham, sausage gravy, and the SOS I mentioned a little while ago. They serve other meals, but I've never tried them.

It's become part of my Saturday routine -- I eat breakfast there while I wait for places like Weber's or Anime Pavilion to open.

Last week I was complaining again -- I guess I do that a lot -- about my coffee snack options being limited to Starbucks. There's a Dunkin' Donuts right across the street, but I can't go there due to the terrorist scarf idiocy (scroll down to "Wardrobe Correctness" if you're not familiar with that story). Well, he told me that Shoppers grocery stores have a wonderful thing called the Colossal Donut that sells for 50¢ and is about two and a half inches thick.

They are truly wonderful confections that I probably shouldn't know about. But still, these are two things that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Maybe being on good terms with one's neighbors can be a good thing after all.

July 16, 2008July 21, 2008