Notes for myself: Getting blue petals in Pikmin Bloom

November 18, 2022

If you haven't installed Niantic's gamified step counter this one isn't going to be too useful to you.

So, if you're having trouble collecting blue petals in Pikmin Bloom I'll save you the step of going and complaining on Reddit. Here's how to do it:

  1. Have about 20 Pikmin you don't care about. You're going to release them at the end of this.
  2. Get 20 blue nectar. This can be done by wandering around until you find a blue or purple mushroom. Destroying the mushroom will give you plums.
  3. Put the soon-to-be-released Pikmin in your squad and walk around with them. After a while the leaf on their heads will turn into a bud. They don't have to be in the squad for this to happen, but doing it now makes the next step quicker.
  4. Feed your Pikmin the blue nectar you collected. If they'd had a leaf on their heads they'd have given 1 petal each, but since they were in bud mode, they'll give 2 each instead. So you've got 40 petals.
  5. Go through your squad and release everybody. (You'll need to bring in a random Pikmin since your squad can't be empty.) When you release a Pikmin with a flower on its head you'll get 10 petals of that flower. Meaning you'll have 200 petals plus the 40 from before, for 240 petals.

If you keep some nectar on-hand you can skip the second step and save yourself some time. Always be on the lookout for blue mushrooms.

This can work for any petal color but in my experience the other colors come up frequently enough that this isn't necessary. Especially if you're using your radar every day.

A couple notes: First off, it appears that the 2x petals only happens when going from bulb to flower. After that it drops to 1x. So if you want to get a bunch of different-color petals you'll need to swap Pikmin around.

Secondly, releasing Pikmin only gives normal petals, not necessarily the petals from the nectar you fed them. So for example a cherry blossom flower, which is considered white, will give normal white petals when you release the Pikmin. If you're trying to get special petals for a challenge, that ain't the way to go. Just take your 2x bonus on feeding.

Thanks to the folks at /r/PikminBloomApp for teaching me when I was really just there to vent.

November 16, 2022November 21, 2022