
January 9, 2023

I got the last programming toy figured out -- it wasn't so much an off-by-one error as much as I was going about it the wrong way. I'm not thrilled with the solution, which loops through each year and asks "was last year a leap year", making it O(n) with years, but by the time that becomes a problem we'll have Moore's Lawed our way out of it. And hopefully found a better language than PHP to use for simple web sites.

I also added another one that barely counts as a toy; it calculates things like the current date in the "eternal September" of 1993, and figures the upcoming phase of the moon.

So all that's left now is archiving the old site and I'm ready for version 8.0 to go up. I'll update the admin a little later, right now I just want to get the new site rolling.

Edit, 4:48PM: I launched the new site over the weekend. Aside from forgetting my RSS feed it seems to have gone smoothly.

January 6, 2023January 11, 2023