May 10, 2005
I need a new bookshelf. The old one was getting pretty full, and a little while ago I finished it off. The Chantilly branch of the library had a used book sale and I went and sank eight bucks on books. Garden of Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, Star Trek: I'm Working On That by William Shatner and Chip Walter (named so because Stephen Hawking, during a tour of the Enterprise-D engine room set, motioned to the warp engines and said, "I'm working on that") and a few Shakespeare plays that I've been meaning to read again.
Even if one turns out to be a stinker (I'm Working On That isn't as good as I'd hoped) i can comfort myself with the fact that I only paid about 75¢ for it. Of course, there'll be the cost of a new bookcase at some point, but we won't get into that.